Symfony allows you to change HTTP method in forms via hidden _method form field described here. This kind of override is not possible when using GET method.

With this bundle you can use or PUT.

Beware however to not expose this override outside secured area, because it's still GET. Web crawling robots will surely hit it and delete something ;-)

By definition GET requests should not modify state of the system, so consider this feature as a hack for admin area. This way you can have clean GET / POST / PUT / DELETE endpoint actions in controller.

By default feature is disabled. You need to set enabled: true flag to make it work.

By default only DELETE, POST and PUT methods are allowed to override. You can modify this setting using allow_methods_override string array.

If for some reasons _method query param needs to be changed then you can use query_param_name setting.

You may completely replace event listener which modifies request HTTP method by your own service using listener_service_id. First constructor argument will receive query param name (_method by default) and second will receive array of methods allowed to override.

 * @param string   $queryParamName
 * @param string[] $methodsToOverride
public function __construct(string $queryParamName, array $methodsToOverride)

Also you need to create typical method onKernelRequest accepting Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\GetResponseEvent object as parameter.

 * @param GetResponseEvent $getResponseEvent
public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $getResponseEvent): void